Marana Pumpkin Patch is a family-owned and operated pumpkin patch and farm festival located in Marana, Arizona. It is open from late September to October, and offers a variety of activities for children and adults, including:


6413 N Silverbell Rd, Marana, AZ 85653


Thursday-Friday: 9am-8pm
Saturday-Sunday: 9am-7pm


$18-$19/person on Thursdays & Fridays
$20-$21/person on Saturdays & Sundays
Children 2 and under are free


  • Picking pumpkins
  • A corn maze
  • A petting zoo
  • Marana Pumpkin Patch petting zoo
  • A train ride
  • A playground
  • A hayride
  • A zip line
  • Pig races
  • Pumpkin painting
  • Face painting
  • Food and drinks

The Marana Pumpkin Patch is a great place to celebrate the fall season with your family. It is a fun and affordable activity that everyone can enjoy.

Here are some additional details about the Marana Pumpkin Patch:

The pumpkin patch is open from late September to October.
The corn maze is 3 acres and has two different layouts: a beginner maze and an advanced maze.
The petting zoo has a variety of animals, including goats, pigs, sheep, and chickens.
The train ride takes you around the farm and through the pumpkin patch.
The playground has a variety of equipment for children of all ages.
The hayride takes you through the fields and past the pumpkin patch.
The zip line is a great way to get a bird’s-eye view of the farm.
The pig races are always a crowd pleaser.
Pumpkin painting and face painting are available for an additional fee.
There are a variety of food and drinks available for purchase, including hot dogs, hamburgers, pizza, popcorn, and cotton candy.

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१ नोव्हेंबर पालेभाज्यांचे दर

१ नोव्हेंबर पालेभाज्यांचे दर

Vegetable Price : 1 नोव्हेंबर 2023 रोजी पुण्यातील भाज्यांचे दर खालीलप्रमाणे आहेत. Vegetable Price (per kg) Potato ₹20 Pumpkin ₹20 Radish ₹30 Ridge Gourd ₹20 Onion ₹70 Tomato ₹60 Brinjal

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mahatma phule jan arogya yojana

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Red Chilli Flakes

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