Here is the vegetable price list in Pune, Maharashtra as of 10 October 2023, according to Pune APMC:

Vegetable Price (INR/kg)
Onion 10
Potato 20
Tomato 25
Brinjal 30
Cucumber 35
Carrot 40
Beans 45
Cauliflower 50
Cabbage 55
Capsicum 60
Spinach 65
Lady’s finger 70

Please note that these prices are approximate and may vary depending on the quality and availability of the vegetables.

Additionally, here are some tips for buying vegetables at the market:

  • Go to the market early in the morning when the vegetables are fresh and the prices are lower.
  • Ask the seller about the quality and freshness of the vegetables.
  • Check the vegetables for any damage or spots.
  • Bargain with the seller to get the best price.
  • Buy vegetables in bulk to get a discount.

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